Star traveling at 8% light speed yields clues to interstellar travel; 6th mass extinction is a myth

  1 min read  

Today in Science news, Star moving at 8% light speed gives clues on interstellar space travel, Kabuki Starship physics; evidence that psychedelics can reverse your mental age; Fungus at Chernobyl absorbing radiation through radiosynthesis; Apple threatens to kick Epic Games off of iOS and Mac OS; study confirms painting eyes on cow butts scares off predators; having an alter ego can help reduce anxiety and increase confidence; nasty mailto: ?attach=~/parameter exploits allows you to include arbitrary files on disk; undetected pickup sized astroid flies by Earth at about 2,000 miles; Experts now believe Neptune and Uranus primarily composed of water, Triton ocean could support life; How to build a command-line tool at help with Google searches; new type of taste cell discovered in your taste buds; and more Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news and commentary from the Intellectual Dark Web.

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