North Korea bans pets amid food shortages, dogs to be eaten; Amazon liable for defective products

  1 min read  

This morning in the news, North Korea’s overweight dictator bans pets amid food shortage, orders dogs rounded up to be eaten; California US District Court holds Amazon liable for defective products proving Amazon is too big; Donald Trump’s brother, Robert Trump, dies at age 71; Fake News Industrial Complex tactic revealed to cause people to associate negative words with Trump; evidence that psychedelics can reverse your mental age; job seekers being exploited by online recruitment’s riddled with fake news; Fight lub in Crown Casino in Perth has 2 ‘punch ups’ in the same night; US Postal Service files patent for block-chain based voting that doesn’t prevent voter intimidation; Son of Vietnamese immigrants build a $10M property portfolio FROM NOTHING; Open Roller Coaster Tycoon hits version 0.3; and more Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news and commentary from the Intellectual Dark Web.

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