Biden announces VP pick Kamala 'The Snitch' Harris; Chicago BLM demand looters be freed

  1 min read  

Today in the news, Joe ‘Magoo’ Biden taps Kamala ‘The Snitch’ Harris to be VP running mate because she’s part Jamaican and Amerindian; Kamala Harris found to be ‘soft on crime’ in her home State because of the ‘Snitch Scandal’; British Royal Meghan Markle appears in new Biden-Harris ad targeting minority and women voters; another night of chaos in Chicago, Black Patriots fight back against Black Looter Mob; Portland Police pelted by ball bearings and golf balls; Seattle Police Chief resigns after the Seattle City Council votes yes on #DefundThePolice; over 400 NASTY CPU exploits found in Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors; Democrat Mayor Bill De Blasio for blocking #BlueLivesMatter mural; Portland Democrats refuse to prosecute rioters for attacking police, Oregon in a State of lawlessness; next-level disgusting pedo incest cult in Australia; ‘reverse waterfall’ filmed near Sydney; Muslims riot in India over picture of the Prophet Muhammad, who had a 6-to-9-year-old child bride named Aisha; TikTok sues US Government; Facebook boosts their antitrust AI that suppresses free speech from a pathetic 86% to pathetic 95% accuracy; Facebook uses antitrust AI to censor @RSSCommentary for alleged ‘hate speech’ for criticizing Europeans; Florida man gets a DUI on a riding lawnmower; new type of Battery brick invented to could solve our energy storage crisis; and more Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news and commentary from the Intellectual Dark Web.

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