US Marshals attacked by Portland rioters; Seattle moves to abolish police; murder skyrockets

  1 min read  

This morning in the news, BLM-Antifa-Nazi rioters in Portland attacked 20 US Marshals with improvised deadly weapons including explosives with shrapnel, laser pointers, bricks, batteries, frozen water bottles, slingshots with ball bearings and human feces, suffering cuts and concussions; Trump to sign an executive order banning TikTok, Microsoft moves to purchase TikTok in response but later calls off; Twitter platforms the former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke; more rioting in Portland after State cops take over, dispute claim to the contrary from the fake-news industrial complex; murder and gun violence have skyrocketed in the US and more than doubled in Chicago; Seattle City Council moved to abolish the police with a veto-proof majority; Biden’s details plan to take money from the white people to give to minorities by making the Federal Reserve talk about racism; 17-year-old teenage charged over Twitter hack; new 3D remote viewing spy technology discovered that uses individual photons to 3D map remote objects; man has penis surgically attached to his arm after it turned black; and more top Really Simple Syndication (RSS) articles from the Intellectual Dark Web.

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